ANBI Information

Name of institution: Stichting Netherlands for Ukraine

RSIN/tax number: 8637.34.376

Objective: to assist Ukrainian refugees who wish to leave Ukraine with advice, transportation volunteers, international transit housing, accommodation from Dutch hosts, basic financial support, humanitarian aid, primary social integration support.  

Providing refugees with basic needs to live in exile in the Netherlands.

Policy plan: an annual policy plan will be drawn up with the goals to be achieved for the following year. These goals will be assessed for their feasibility and evaluated annually afterwards.

Remuneration policy: according to article 4.11 of the Articles of Association, no remuneration is awarded to the members of the board.

Financial accountability: within 6 months after the end of each financial year, the treasurer will draw up a balance sheet and a statement of income and expenses. The annual accounts are adopted by the board.

The extended version of the policy plan can be downloaded here: